How to Set Up A World Class Water Factory With State Of The Art Ultra Modern Facilities -Fame Agidife @Faglomerate Group Tel: 08143352493
What you need to know about setting up a World class water factory with state of the art ultra modern facilities on stage by stage breakdown analysis.
Stage 1: Registration of business/Incorporation -
Water is health, water is food and water is life; therefore it is a necessary obligation on every individual that wish to go into it for a commercial, business or to be responsible for a number of other lives to start it through the only means government recognizes which is a registered name or incorporated business name with the government of the country the operation is set to be based for a special reason of accountability to the governments of the people of that country in case something go wrong thereafter. It is a compulsory requirement in every country for the fact that it is a venture that renders services to a general public and as such it is a business and an organization in nature therefore it is a rational thing that it must be made accountable to the government that is responsible for the protection and welfare of the people of that country which it intends to render services to.
Stage 2: Getting a place on a long term/Building a Factory -
Depending on how much financial muscles you have in your veins, you may decide to build your own water factory or get a long term lease with a good legal documentation that can cover you on the long term bases you intends to use the property because anything that has to do with water resources ought to be permanent in nature for the fact that it is on the water source and the environment base that the government regulatory agency will start their inspection down to their investigative diagnosis before given you a certified license to operate.
So it is not what you get to invest all that on today and tomorrow one landlord will come from somewhere that he needs his property for a personal use and then you find somewhere else to start drilling boreholes, move your facilities and invite government agency again for inspection; no, it does not work that way, it is long term project in nature and it has to be started on that bases and that is why it is capital intensive. And besides, water business is something you need to build and get customized with people overtime before the dividends start rolling in. Water business is a legacy and it requires you to imprint your own footage on the brand before you could be recognized as a safe hand.
Stage 3: Get A Good Water Resources Expert -
At this stage you get to start working with a good water resources expert to help you get the required architectural design for the factory, guide and supervise the project to the finish. They are trained to be conversant with anything water resources from the water source, the water quality, the kind of machines to be used, any other facilities concerning water that is needed in the water factory and down to the government regulatory agency that you will later apply to for license to operate and their coming for inspection and the mores that are involved they are the best you can get as consultants because that is their field of specialization. Or better still you can contact us if you are within the West African sub region to fix whatever your water problem might be, we are the Safe Water Across Boarders (SWAB) Tel: 08143352493
Stage 4: Getting the Factory Architectural Design -
There is a special factory design that your water resources expert can get for you along with other standard requirements from the government regulatory agency that is expected of all intended water/ beverages and food distillation operators to meet with a specifics areas design restrictions and exclusion that suite the safety demands for health purposes of the general public that those factories intend to serve.
Stage 5: Water supply Source -
You would need a good source of water supply. This is also dependent on the type of water you plan to be producing.
a. If you choose to produce spring water, then you would need to locate your production facilities very close to a natural spring water source and look for a way to transfer the water from the spring to the water plant to be bottled or sealed immediately right there at source to avoid contamination in course of water transportation.
b. The other types of water, you may need to dig a borehole, a well or use a public water source. A good additional amount have to be set aside for the expenses of a standard water treatment plant in the cases of these other means for water source because outside a natural spring water that is naturally sprang from the rocks no other water is consider clean and healthy for drinking without treatment due to natural and unnatural infusion of natural and unnatural elements into water during the course of water transportation from the aquifer to the point of service for usage and drinking.
Stage 6: General Equipment needed -
Reverse Osmosis which is the most Standard water Treatment Plant that is widely used for almost all kind of water treatment solution today, System Ozonator, Industrial Micron Filters, Industrial Ultra violet Sterilizer .Automatic bottling rinsing, filling and capping machine, automatic Shrink Packing machine, online batch number printer, semi-automatic PET Blowing machines, generating storage tanks for water distribution, Desktop Computers for recording/ financial accounting, Printers for office uses, Office/Factory Furniture, safety/protective gears, delivery/marketing vans, fire fighting and preventive Equipment etc.
Stage 7: Water Treatment Plant -
A standard industrial water plant is a necessary pill that must be swallowed by every water factories, soft drinks/beverages and food distilling companies except only on the case where water source is a natural spring just as I mentioned above. The reasons is before any water is set any purposes of distillation may it he sachet, bottle, for food or soft drinks or breweries it must pass through treatment process and certified healthy by a government authorized regulatory Agency first before any other thing to be done to be consider fit for edible purposes. A water treatment plant would cost you about $1,000- $10,000 to set up, depending on size and functions.
Stage 8: Mineral injection facility -
Since some water treatment processes strip water of its natural minerals, most bottled water companies look for a means of injecting the minerals back into the water artificially. Again, this may cost you some thousands of dollars if that continues regularly.
Stage 9: Acquire Automatic industrial Sealing Machine -
Automatic industrial sealing machine cost between $600-$1000 depending on the capacity range. Go for the ones that seals or produces about 100 to 200 or nevertheless you can go for the one with the capacity of 40 to 80 sachets per a minute depending on your factory capacity.
Stage 10: Water bottling plant -
You can import an automatic water bottling plant from China for between $30,000 and $60,000 or a standard one from an importer or better still from a recognized local production company which might probably seems costlier depending on the country you are.
Stage 11: Generating set/power supply -
You may also need an alternative source of power to guarantee access to water supply especially if you are setting up in a developing country where power supply is not constant. You should also consider cheaper sources of power like solar or wind energy to save energy costs in the long run.
Stage 12: Automatic bottle washers -
To ensure that your water is produced under clean and highly hygienic conditions, it is necessary to have the automatic machine bottle washers which would be used to clean the bottles prior to packaging water in them in order to get rid of chemicals and all forms of impurities.
Stage 13: Labels -
You would also need to spend some money on labels for your bottles. You can get someone to make the labels for you easily. You should budget about $400-$600 for the first batch, depending on how many bottles you want to roll out.
Stage 14: Registration with health regulatory agencies -
If you are starting your water factory in Nigeria for instance, you will need to register, obtain a license and an identification number from the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) before you can be allowed to operate your business. For those in the United States of America, the FDA is the government agency that is responsible for giving out licenses for food and water related businesses.
Stage 15: Consumables -
You would also need some consumable items like bottles, caps, wrapping sheets and packaging supplies.
Stage 16: Staffing -
The organogram of a water factory is a massive and a comprehensive one in structure that requires enough hands for separation powers for efficient service delivery plus the sophisticated machines operations that are already in place . You would need machines operators, machines mechanics, people to pack and upload produced water, clerical staff, maintenance officers, drivers and marketers.
Stage 17: Distribution trucks -
Another very important asset that you would need is a truck for distributing your products. You can buy a fairly used truck if you cannot afford a new one but make sure it is branded with your company name and logo and is kept clean ad covered at all times.
Stage 18: A website -
Getting a website for your water production factory makes it easier for your customers to have access to the products and make orders online, make direct complaints about the services they are getting and on the quality of the water if the case arises to enable you improve on it up to the World optimal health quality standard on the bases of their complaints and beyond the bases of their complaints.
Stage 19: Marketing/Branding -
Of course, you would need to promote your brand so it is important that you add up costs of advertising your water brand, costs of printing flyers and business cards and costs of other promotional materials and activities. The market for packaged bottled is a growing market, but offers tough Competition.
Usually the top target market for mineral water follows a perception and If the perception is positive, the results will be higher sales. The positive perception for distributors and final customers may result from direct consumer experience, awareness, direct promotional activities
Perception most times is due to correct name branding and quality and aesthetic of Print on the product.
Distribution is very important for the success of any bottled water brand. The stronger the distribution the more successful will be the new brand.
Compliance with the water quality standards from the FDA as for those in the United States and the National Agency for Food drug administration Control (NAFDAC) as for those in Nigeria and other regulatory authorities as for those in other countries are key to sustenance of products quality and brand values.
Stage 20: Competition -
There is a strong competition in the water industry most especially with the bigger brands that are now looking for new areas of diversifying their revenue base and for the food and beverages companies the water production sector is the next cash point. Though it is a good development for the water development industry because that will amount to both economic and developmental growth of our modern society also to boost a healthy living. The competition is also very good to help spur up the millennium development goal (MDG) target most especially now that most countries in the World mostly in the third World countries are still lagging behind in the areas of the MDG target for 'safe water all'. Growth in total bottled water volume sales in 2012 and 2013 in Nigeria according to statistics shows an upward increase. This was partly due to increasing maturity, growth in population and the inability for Government to provide adequate clean drinkable water for the fast growing population size of the country.
Coca-Cola continued to lead bottled water in 2013, claiming an off-trade volume share of 20% with its Eva brand. Eva has an early mover advantage and a high quality reputation in the category. Moreover, like other soft drinks brands offered by Coca-Cola, Eva is widely distributed all over the Country and benefits from continuously strong advertising support.
Cway is the second leading player overall, while Nestlé Nigeria Plc rounded out on the top three with its Nestlé Pure Life brand. Other prominent players competitors in this highly fragmented category included , Aquafina ,Aqua Dana, Cascade, Moowa, Voltic, Oak, Oval Blue, Ragolis, Swan, La Voitre, Lily, Gossy, Sapphire ,Coscharis. All of these accounting for 40% of the trade volume share.
Stage 21: Propose project cost :
Roughly the total cost for a World class water factory with state of the art ultra modern facilities system is within the range of $200,000 - $300,000 outside the cost of building a factory.
To be continued ...
SWAB (Safe Water Across Boarders)Tel: 08143352493
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